Saturday, November 15, 2008

7 Random Things About Me

Ok, so I was tagged a while ago by Patty and I keep meaning to respond, so here goes!

1. My husband accidently proposed to me after we had known each other for only 4 weeks, when a "friend" he trusted told him that "I will miss you" was actually said, "Will you marry me" in Spanish. I almost took him up on the offer right then and there! I'm so glad he asked again later!

2. Jeff and I have been married for 7 years and we have already lived in 10 different homes, 3 different counties and 3 different countries! The longest we have ever lived in one place is a year and a half. Maybe one day I will get to throw my packing boxes away for good!

3. In my lifetime I have visited 12 different countries and lived in 3 different continents!

4. I carry hand soap with me everywhere I go and am a major stickler about washing your hands in public bathrooms. The few times my soap was left at home, I have been known to ask the store clerk to please put some soap in the bathroom so that I can wash my hands! Once in Peru someone actually ran to the store next door and bought me a new bar of soap! I felt bad and paid the man...he just smiled. I know what he was thinking... crazy gringo lady!

5. I like to set my alarm for at least 45 minutes before I get up so that I can hit snooze several times. Problem is, so does my husband, so for almost an hour before getting up, there is a lot of ringing and alarm clock slamming going on! Good thing our son Aaron sleeps like a rock!

6. When I am ready to purchase my groceries, I have to organize them on the conveyer belt first by frozen food, veggies, dairy, etc..., or else it drives me crazy! Weird, huh?

7. I LOVE mint chocolate chip ice cream. I mean,... does ice cream really even come in any other flavors?!!

I am suppose to tag 7 other watch out you guys!! = )


Unknown said...

I too sort my groceries on the conveyer belt. Thought I was wierd! jeje Like the one too about the alarm clock slamming. ;)

Pilar said...

Well ladies, I am one of those sorting out groceries in store freak too... I guess we are not so weird after all. It does make a lot of sense to me to do it that way though. Helps keep everything in better shape and also it is easier to put away once I am at home... that is so no weird.Why wouldn't everyone do the same thing?

Rita Loca said...

I have never sorted my groceries like that... what's wrong with me????

Rita Loca said...

OK! I did it.

Deanna said...

Yeah, you need to get with it!! haha. I enjoyed reading through your random things, too! = )

Shane and Kristy Davis said...

I also sort my groceries:) I shop at the Great Canadian Superstore, and you have to bag your own. So.... it is much easier, however, I have always sorted this way.

Patty said...

Thanks for doing the tag, Deanna. I can definitely understand living in so many places and the packing boxes. I, too, wish I could get rid of mine, but I know that just after I do, it'll be time to move again! And no, I definitely don't sort my groceries - I don't really buy too many things at a "grocery store"! :)

Jennie Bender said...

I organize my groceries on the conveyer belt, too. I think I hope it helps them put them in the right bags!

Have a great day!