Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Answered Prayer!

I wanted to let everyone know that Dana Judd has been found! I don't know all the details of how and when and when and will post more when I know. But for now, please keep the Judd family in your prayers as they go through this difficult, but thankfully joyful moment. We serve a great God! Thanks for praying!


Pilar said...

PRaise the Lord!!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the update. We definately were praying. Please do let us know if she is alright. What an answer to prayer! I can´t wait to tell the boys. They were praying too.

Sisterlisa said...

How did you know about Dana? We know their family. Our church is one of their supporters.

Patty said...

hey deanna, we know the judds, too. their home church isn't far from ours, and we were in several mtgs with them. please let us know if you found out anything else.

Deanna said...

"Sisterlisa", I heard about Dana through a friend of mine who works at BIMI headquarters. We enjoyed being in several meetings while on deputation with the Judds and they were always a blessing and a lot of fun to be with!

Deanna said...

Patty, that's neat that you guys met the Judds, too. They are a sweet family! The only information I have is that the police found her and that she is safe. She was apparently gone for 28 hrs. Praise the Lord she was found so quickly! I will let you know if I hear anything else.