Sunday, September 21, 2008

We just started a new study for the ladies' meeting on the book Lies That Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free by Nancy DeMoss. I had started reading the book a little while ago when my friend Beth recommended it to me and was really enjoying it. I am really excited about the opportunity of being able to dig a little deeper into this study.

Here are a couple of phrases that stood out to me during our study:
"A la raiz de todas nuestra luchas hay una mentira que nos hemos creido"
"At the root of each of our struggles is a lie that we have believed"

"Si Satanas puede engaƱarte a ti como mujer, sabe que vamos a influir sobre los demas que nos rodean para hacerlos pecar, y nuestras decisiones marcaran la pauta en la generaciones futuras."
"If Satan can fool you as a women, he knows that we are going to influence those around us to make them sin and that our decisions will mark the way for future generations."

"...Si vosotros permaneciereis en mi palabra, sereis verdaderamente mis discipulos; y conocereis la verdad, y la verdad os hara libres." Juan 8:31-32

1 comment:

Pilar said...

Wow, that sounds really good. I need to get it and get mu m-i-l to bring it when she comes. Give me call when you can, we need to talk!! :)